The bell has been restored! Thanks to Eagle Scout candidate Elvin Amadeo, and with the cooperation and support of the Brentwood School District, the Second School House Bell has found a permanent home on the northwest corner of the Felicio Administration Building. Please stop by and visit when you have a chance. Hopefully, the octagonal school house is next!!

Before the restoration

Before groundbreaking. From L-R, Ana Martinez, Board Pres.; Joe Bond, Supt.; Elvin Amadeo; Ellen Edelstein, Hist. Soc. Pres.; Paula Moore, Board Trustee

L-R: Paula Moore, School Board Trustee; Ana Martinez, Board President; Elvin Amadeo; Ellen Edelstein, Hist. Society President

Sept. 27 – Elvin returns from college for his Eagle Scout Board of Review and takes time to visit the bell.